As the swimming season draws closer please speak with your children about pool and sun safety. While Northern Colorado boasts a very low incidence of drowning, nationally drowning remains the second leading cause of death for children under 14 years old. Our goals are to promote pool safety and minimize pool related accidents through education, swimming lessons, effective pool monitoring and rule enforcement while maintaining a relaxing and enjoyable environment for your family. Our goals can only be accomplished through a partnership with your family and the Splash staff working together to keep your children safe. Although our lifeguards are provided to assist you with keeping an eye on your children, please remember that you are ultimately responsible for the safety of your family and your guests. There is no substitute for your active supervision!
Floatation Devices
Swimmers who are dependent on floatation devices to swim must be accompanied (within one arms length) by a guardian who is in the water ACTIVELY WATCHING THEM.
Children may use the pool unaccompanied by a guardian IF they are at least 8 years old and can pass a swim test conducted by the staff. Unattended children must have an emergency contact phone number on hand. Please be aware that the lifeguard staff have the authority to close the pool at any time. Swimmers may be sent home due to weather closures, fecal contamination, etc.
Diving & Entry
Remind your swimmers that diving in water less than 5 ft. deep is not allowed, hands must always enter the water first for any forward entry, running, rough-housing, and bullying are not permitted at the pool.
Sun Protection
As we get closer to spending hours on end basking in the fantastic Colorado sun be sure to look for a sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection and teach your children to be sun smart.