Please list of all persons that will OCCUPY the property during the pool season. If you employ a child-care-giver that will be accompanying your children to the pool, please check the box that identifies them as a “non-resident child-care giver” so they will not be charged as a guest each visit. Please return this list with your annual dues payment.
Article V, Section 2 of the pool by-laws states that only the OCCUPANTS of this property are eligible to use the pool. Do not include any individuals that do not reside at this property.
As a reminder, only the occupants of the property to which the membership is attached are eligible to exercise the privileges of the membership. Please only add occupants that reside at the property full time. If necessary, auditing of member occupant lists may occur as a result of past abuse. Each membership comes with 25 free guest passes, annually. Additional guest passes may be purchased for $2.00 each. This additional money goes toward covering the additional utility and maintenance costs associated with increased use. Thank you!
Membership Dues
Annual dues are $450 and due on May 1st. Please send payment to Foothills Green Pool Association, 2006 Union Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80526 or pay using the PayPal button on the homepage. Please note there is a $10 processing fee if you pay online via PayPal.